So I’m sitting in the loft last night as has been my regular routine playing XBox, and J is sitting across from me @ her PC talking about her previous social engagement. I’m offering “mm-hmm”s after every pause, and she scowls at the 3D bump-mapped figures I am controlling on the digital gridiron.

“I hate Xbox,” the tirade begins. “This probably causes tension headaches. There might be a study. You should look it up!”

And it dawns on me…

“You know you’re right,” I reply. but instead off turning of the game I start moving furniture while j stares with jaw slacked.

It was like when the moment of clarity in Usual Suspects when the detective looks at the bulletin board and spills his coffee as Verbal Kint gets his pimp back. The last time I had migraines i was consulting onsite and using a jacked up monitor where the previous user had the same ailment.

The TV is between us so I face it at a 45 degree angle. So either my posture or the viewing of the images is contributing to my pain. no more problems for the rest of the night. we’ll see how this goes.

Thanks, J!