why does it have to be so difficult? / courting the asshole

i brought in a college yearbook for a coworker to see, she was in several pictures, even though she only went for a semester.
“Can I borrow it so my sister can see?”
Sure, no problem [my first mistake]

Cut to two months later. Where is my book?
Can you bring it next week?
“Yes, I’ll bring it on Monday”
The week passes. Can you bring it tomorrow?
“Oh I forgot, I’ll bring it tomorrow”
That was 2 days ago.

what the hell? I’m about to go into asshole mode over some simple shit. just bring the book. I only have 2 settings. Cool and Asshole. [J can verify]
Been cool all this time, trying not to flip that switch.

so with all this time on my hands [the devil’s workshop indeed] to think about it and her failure to return my emails I conclude that she:
a) damaged it
b) lost it
c) decided to keep it [doubly trifling, since my name’s engraved on the cover]
c) is slack as hell

I’m tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt and they end up being more slack than the last slack person I dealt with.
just come clean or bring the damn book. what do I have to do? call you every day at 4:00 o’clock to remind you?
…got me lookin crazy…

[history] someone stole my freshman class yearbook out of my bachelor pad- sad, since it would have to be someone I know well and went to school with…