went back for my 3 month followup physical 2 weeks early. just because I took the day off…figured i might as well get it overwith. if my BP was still high he’d be prescribing me medication. everytime I go there I pass him in the hall on the way to the examination room but it takes him 15 minutes to get there. I fell asleep waiting for him and jumped when he knocked. I lost 19 lbs since the previous visit and the BP went down some, so I was granted a reprieve. I will join J and D, if I can get up early enough, on their marathon training walks 2 out of the 3 days a week they go. I don’t have a goal in mind…so I’m exceeding expectations.

my diet has changed drastically (more fruits and veggies and smoothies) and I’ve been getting my sweat on daily. I feel better.