today i was hoooongry. at lunch i went to hams w/ L, M, and Jlo and ordered a chicken sandwich. I usually don’t eat a lot at one setting, but I felt like ordering another side and maybe dessert when she took my order, because hams portions seem kinda light. that food came and i remember vaguely that there was a sandwich there, and some fries, and then it was gone and i was wishing i did order something else.

had some problems w/ my iriver ihp-120 at work and was mad at waiting for the support people on the west coast to get to work because eight o’clock their my time is not their time, but that was one of the most friendly and satisfying help desk experiences i’ve had…3 hours of frustration diffused. (the G drive was already allocated and I’m an XP newbie)

so J is really going to hate me when i fill this thing up as I was walking around last night w/ headphones on, smiling and saying ‘yeah’ at the appropriate times.