we went to a couples retreat this weekend outside of Charlotte. we’re now armed with tools that we’ll use for maybe the next two weeks before we slide back into our regular mode of mayhem. it’s comforting, yet troubling to know that some of the drama i attribute to j’s unique psyche is not unique. we’re all besieged.

– the i must not get out much portion of my blog –

from what I see on Charlotte TV, there are too many car dealerships there. every commercial break there were at least 3 or 4 dealerships pushing their product repeatedly. i don’t remember comercials for anything else. The other thing I saw is theres an explosion g ang activity here. solid color w hite and p ink tshirts being banned at some schools.

we went to C oncord M ills and saw Man on Fire. was the spanish version of Hey Mickey (Oh Mickey You’re so Fine) on the car radio of a certain scene a tribute to supporting actor Mickey Rourke? hmmm. explosive suppositories make audiences titter with glee.

upon walking around after the showing, I noticed about 50% of the adolescent male population wearing oversized blank w hite tees.