the christmas tree

yesterday we went looking for our first real fake christmas tree. we went to KMart and got the 25A model. 6 foot fake, 3 sections, with clear non flashing bulbs already attached. I gave J carte blanche as far as the tree is concerned, so there’s a golden theme. We also found a pimped out Santa…carte blanche there also…he had on all gold. we did a lot of running around yesterday and i didn’t realize i didn’t eat anything since breakfast and got a late afternoon headache/delayed hangover. I picked up Virtual Tennis 2K2. The one with Venus and Serena. It looks good, it’s harder. now one of my controllers is broken. Hopefully there are still some replacements out there. That was probably the last new game I’ll buy for the dreamcast. But I might scoop up some of the discontinued ones if they are on the cheap.

and while i was there in Toys Are Us looking at the XBox, it took me about 5 minutes to realize the other person checking out the games next to me was a neighbor of mine, we just kinda just pass each other in our vehicles coming and going.

J has had a bad cold since day after Thanksgiving and her mother had something also last week. We found out it probably came from her Aunt Delores, who came up from Laurinburg for turkeyday, whose granddaughter also had it and had to be taken to the Hospital. weird how only some of the people caught it and none of the men that were there. J still has the coughing fits.

j picked up some delicacies from my single days. Hamburger Helper, which i asked for (Three Cheese) and Ramen Noodles (which i was coincidentally thinkin about recently). Love me some Ramen Noodles. drained with the seasoning. Chicken or Beef.
quick and economical. mmm mmm mmmph. I may have to fix me some right now.