I picked up this “book” in the bargain bin at Borders, it was buy three get one free and they were already dirt cheap. It’s a cookbook of sorts, called A Man, A Can, A Plan. I had seen some of the recipies in issues of Men’s Health. It’s like cooking for dumb dummies. So it really appealed to me. But they made the pages thick like those toddler books and it’s shaped like a giant can. There are a few dishes that call for a can of Heiniken. But substituting Spaghetti-O’s for Pasta? c’mon.

I will cook if I have to, like if lives depended on it but I am all about the shortest route from kitchen to stomach. I can make a sandwich out of anything. I did make some brownies last week. i forgot one minor step but once we scraped them out of the pan, they were delicious.

I did Chicken Quesedillas all week…putting a dent in my peanut sauce.