Still going to the gym and doing the high protien low carb thing. It’s been almost a week and I have not quit. Being tired and crabby are the immediate side effects. I have been reminded that I am financially obligated so it would behoove me to keep going. I would like to get down to college size…or be able to wear XL shirts comfortably again and not be out of breath at 2 flights of stairs…I see some the stuff in the young mens section that I like but dont want to look like Shemar Moore’s uncle. 45 minutes on the gym treadmill is tolerable, but that elliptical trainer in my basement is a monster…I thought I built up some endurance but it knocked me down a peg. I struggle to maintain 20 minutes.

I just remembered in April my Great-Aunt on seeing me for the first time in a few years saying “you neck big!”