greetings from the Big Apple

the i don’t get out much post

i just saw Kill Bill Vol. 2 in the movie theater on 42nd street. It was pretty good.

1 flight up on the escalator to get to the ticket tearing usher who advised me that my theater was 3 flights up from that.

and each one of those flights were like 3, 4, 5 or 6 regular stair flights.

this impatient Asian(!!!!!) lady was behind me and i was already booking up them steps, telling me she was late for her movie. i have never broken a sweat on the escalator before. after my movie started a kinder Asian lady sat next to me. she was fidgety and sneezy.

i am currently in an internet cafe, which truth be told looks more like a giant internet laundrymat than a cafe, getting the most out of my dollar.

in the past week I also saw the last part of Paycheck, Spiderman and Farenheit 911. I bought a copy of the NY Post that had Kerry picks Gephart as its lead story.

Doesn’t the Bourne Supremacy look a lot like The Bourne Identity? Didn’t he already run/get pissed off/kill people?