last night as I was headed to bed, the lights went out. which shouldn’t have been a big deal, since I was going to bed, I would just skip the book I was planning to read and shut it down. But it was knowing that I had no options. no TV, no internet and I just happened to have forgotten my cell phone at work. Thank goodness I had my MP3 player. They say that one of the more effective techniques the gov’t uses for torture is sensory depravation, locking someone in a totally dark room for a few days will break the most resistant prisoner down psychologically.

It wasn’t nearly as bad for me but I really got a chance to think and not be force fed mental junk food. It’s funny how when you’re forced to radically change your routine how the world seems like a different place. I could see, in the eyes-adjusted darkness, a few of my neighbors outside in their doorways. I got a chance to really think about the cartoon treatment that I had put on the back shelf of my mind for months. I started fleshing out the world of the story and the characters. It took a while for the lights to come back on (4 AM i think), i was asleep long before it happened.