Saw Lillias White and Black Women’s Blues last night. Never heard of Miss White before but of course I know nothing about Broadway. She’s a good singer with a broad range and J-Money fell in love w/ her. There were technical difficulties here also and she addressed them directly as she blessed-out (do people us that term? I got it from my manager) the spotlight operator for not keeping up with her.

Michael from Good Times is alive.

I hope the Theater Festival stays here. We need something to keep us on the map. I have never seen that many people downtown. Lots of nice artwork at the vendor booths as usual. The Africans were selling a lot of fake bling bling. I was amazed that Jamaicans came down from NY to sell food on Market Street. First time trying Roti, believe it or not.

That block must have been really busy early Friday with that and the long awaited Wachovia Shareholders meeting in the same place.