Sabado Gigante
With Vieques in the news it reminds me of back home.
St. Thomas is like 40 miles away and you could see P.R. on a clear day.
My grandmother used to listen to WIVV a Vieques Christian radio station.
before cable (shoot we didn’t get cable til after I left) when I was very young most of the TV I saw was PR Channels.
I grew up watching cartoons in spanish. and black and white. with a faulty knob.
Fred Flintstone was Pedro Picapiedras and Daffy Duck was Conejo Loco.
so basically only I got the gist of what was going on.
oh yeah, Iris Chacon was HOT.
por favor nos podrian dar el correo de don francisco necesitamos enviar informacion que por este medio no es posible gracias