today at our staff meeting, my manager challeged us to spend the hour and a half we normally spend plus our lunch hour doing something creative, something apart from our routine.

I ended up at the mall because I heard Champs was selling skateboards for $19.95 and some days walking back to my building from the main campus I wish for some alternative transportation. I never owned a skateboard but rode frequently when i was a youngster. I ended up in a shoestore where I saw the new kicks and the on sale kicks. I spotted a brown dress slip-on, my second choice, which came in 13s. I tried it on, looked in the floor mirror, then looked down at my feet and they were strikingly similar to the black shoe i had on.

“That looks a lot like my shoe,” I said aloud.

“That’s what I was thinking,” replied the salesman

Realizing the limits of my creativity, I decided to leave. I forgot to get my skateboard.