i saw my father in law this weekend. met his half sister down from NY and her family. bonding over a fayetteville country buffet where i ran into some people i knew from college who looked about the same, just different. he’s a lot better than when I saw him last. the demonstration of how his life is an intersection of many others were apparent by how many people stopped by.

it’s hard for him to communicate, but in the one on one time we had i tried to fill him in on what was going on with me and the rest of the world outside. that we have watermelons mysteriously growing under the stairs, that one of J’s students sat next to Pres. Bush on the panel when he stopped thru town. (his scowl is still serviceable). I told him how well the Panthers were doing this season and that they only lost one game. “Two,” he corrected.

you realize how much you take for granted things that you do automatically constantly, thanks to your brain. things like forming a sentence or getting into a confortable prone position.

j and i ate a lot of crap this weekend and had a debate about which chocolate/toffe bar was better, Skor vs. Heath with taste tests, until realizing on Sunday Hershey makes them both.

i play Xbox more which relaxes me, which upsets J which makes me play Xbox more to relax…and so on…