one day i forget the original conversation, but I brought up the movie Soylent Green to J. I only remember the 4-word shock ending when it came on tv when i was a peewee but basically it was about how messed up the world of the near future/now past is/was. intrigued J went to look it up. It’s on VHS starring Charlton Heston and based on a book called Make Room, Make Room. she tracked an old beat up copy from 1972 on the internet and is reading it even as I type. the book is set in 1999 from what I read, a 1/2 lb of beef is $30 and the sun will burn you up if you’re exposed for a short period of time.

I remember being in the fifth grade (a long time ago for me) subtracting 2000 from 1966 and saying “damn I’m gonna be old. 2000 is a long time from now” or something to that effect. 2000 has come and gone and we’re still fed visions imminent global disaster, technological utopia or us colonizing the moon and mars in 50 or so years. where is my flying car? they’ve invented a scooter, that can’t help my 60 mile daily commute. we’re still battling over land and sweatin fossil fuels. between all of that, sloth and greed, the status quo will prevail just a little while longer.