people say things at this time of year like “peace on earth, goodwill to men” or “have a safe new year”, no one really acts on it. people are still trippin. they are merely just wishes uttered aloud.

my regular quartet spent a small portion of last night watching my School House Rock DVD. Classics! Gems! Kids today are missing out! I love the subtitles, but i am not digging the navigation menu.

I started my second attempt at watching The Godfather. I think I’ve had the set for 2 years now? I wanted to watch something while passing time on the contraption that makes me sweat (no promises to keep using it regularly). Diane Keaton was a young fresh faced thing in that. I stopped at the part where Michael gets the taped up gun.

no promises that i’ll finish it. damn, let me go call my aunt and wish her happy birthday.