I went to B&N last night and met the author of Big Fish, Daniel Wallace. that place was the most crowded that I have seen it. when i got there, someone was choking on something and they were calling 911, but apparently it must have been dislodged by the time they got there, because they didn’t leave with anyone.

I got a copy autographed and did the obligatory “any advice for aspiring writers?” thing, and got him to write a witty note that i composed.

I got home, watched some random television, wrote a paragraph and fell asleep on the laptop.

my erratic personal training regimen now includes 30-40 minutes at high speed on the bike. I’ve lost 5 lbs since the last time i checked, which is amazing since I eat a lot of crap. it probably would have been more if i didn’t have a breakdown at the Krispy Kreme spread at work yesterday.