dang I’m just getting in. today was a long day.

sleep came fast but morning came faster, I thought the alarm was playing. the joke was on me.

Today at work they wanted to meet up at the reception area for a moment of silence to commemorate 911. So we meet up at 8:45 and hold hands with head bowed and eyes closed. and everyone’s quiet. I reflect. still quiet. long pause.
longer uncomfortable pause. I peek out one eye, everyone’s still silent and reflecting.. it’s over a minute. the people on the tv have gone back to what they were doing. I know it’s two minutes. ok…I’m trying to think of a non disrespectful thing to say to break it up. hm. I’m not saying anything, i’m the new guy. I’m not going out like that. I steal another peek. I start to fall asleep. I can’t believe how quiet it is. all these normally loud, outspoken people frozen and mute. no one wants to be the first to break and it’s turned into the moment of silence endurance contest. I swear it was 5 minutes before the lady next to me said “AMEN” and we broke camp.

after work I went to a law firm’s offices to be a part of a focus group. A warmup mock jury thing basically for an actual civil suit. It was a very interesting process. With absolute questions of responsibility and dollar amounts at stake it gets tricky.