I broke my left side mirror this morning backing out. I parked close to the side since i moved the ladder that was over there. I saw it coming, that I needed about 4 more inches to clear and my brain made my facial expression take priority over my brake instinct. the screws were still intact but the pieces of plastic from the car were not.

So it’s hanging limp by some wires and pride forbids me to drive down the interstate like this.

“Do we have any duct tape?”

“Yes, in the bottom desk drawer”

Duct tape looks gaudy anywhere you put it, except maybe on a duct, and even then it’s iffy…but there was a roll of black electrical tape next to it. Perfect, under the cirucmstances. So I have about 6 passes of tape from the inside window frame around the bottom then over the mirror. shabby but better then the alternative. the window closing all the way was a luxury I could live without today. I hope it doesn’t rain.

On the drive in, I felt impaired. not knowing what was in my blind spot, and instinctively glancing over at the mirror repeatedly, only to see an alternative view of my elbow, and the door.

I had another major issue w/ my tires wobbling but I put it off for a couple months. Vanity, however, was what got me into the Saturn dealership this morning.