K wanted to play around of golf this morning. I have only played once and only 16 disastrous holes last year and I got sunstroke or something and left that “game” alone. We compromised at going to the range which is far less humiliating. I managed to do better, I guess my body memory has retained something from the last time i went to the range. but it’s so unintuitive, telling your body a list of things to do to get it right for what’s supposed to be a couple of motions. (head down, watch grip, bend knees, back straight, eye on the ball, feet balanced, elbows locked, start backswing, concentrate on the wrists, thumbs perpendicular to the body, right arm straight, keep watching the ball, keep back straight, start swing, keep arms straight, follow through, belt buckle facing the hole) and if I do all those things it occasionally goes straight. I was just happy to make contact.