i filled out an application for the State (again) thought i saved it in Word (i know i did) but I don’t see it…must have died in the crash. the new gosling chicks have arrived. it’ll be a new season of goose-hatin but they pretty much know what the deal is and graze on the two lots to the left.

I went to Grad Chapter meeting today. That’s usually the one Sunday that J doesn’t have to worry about preparing dinner, they usually have it laid out. But then we got there and the meeting started and there was only “refreshments” set up. So I looked over and shot S a look like “guess we’re not being fed today”. And in the meeting I call J, trying to talk in code to say, “fix me something after all”. cuz i was hooongry and being fed was priority. and as i hit “end” they announce the food will be there by the time the meeting ends. So I redial and say “nevermind”.

I don’t know why those wings and meatballs and potato salad and rolls and seconds of potato-salad-and-meatballs and slice of pound cake and slice of chocolate cake were so delicious. but they were. a reward for all the cardio i’ve done this week. and i got home and crashed from the carbs and slept through Six Feet Under. i had some carrot sticks and broccoli too, just for health reasons.

yesterday i went to blockbuster for the first time in a minute and MechAssault was $19.95, new. Advantage, me. fight mechs, shoot buildings, destroy cities, crush puny humans. my, look at the time.