i’m up hella late…working on my .php portal site. when I have to be driving 5++ hours tomorrow. going to see family from both me and j’s side. and i plan on seeing Minority Report. despite Tom Cruise. those are my plans this weekend. i packed up my cube (technically yesterday) for the move that takes place in my absence (technically today). cleaned it out, took both surge protectors and everything. not even a sticky note left and taped my name to everything, even my display phone…lest there be no accidents. my manager will move my stuff. my manager and my manager’s manager both assured us that we will get high cube walls as opposed to the crotch high ones where I am moving to. if that’s the case, I’ve got the best location on the floor and i will cry crocodile tears for losing the window. no passersby. privacy by the wall. thank you Jesus – until the next reorg.