I went to the store to cash in my pennies and other change. I had been putting it off all week. I am one of those people that have a lot of change left over at the end of the day, and lately had run out of room to put it. so i finally go to the store to one of those machines that sort it for you. last time i did it, it cost 7 cents per dollar, now it’s 8 and 9/10’s (the good ole gas station variety 9/10)

so be it.

I went in there first to see IF they had a machine. they did, so I go back to the car. someone parked on the other side of me was coming to the store, saw me coming in his general direction and did the old pretend-he-forgot-something-in-the-car-but-really-forgot-to-lock-the-door routine. If i had a nickel for every one of those, my trip would have been all the more rewarding.

it wouldn’t take one penny…that thing looked like it went through a few wars. scuffed up, blackened, I can barely make out that it’s a penny…looks like from the 1940s can’t tell for sure…

I get back, J is in the bed chillin in my Krispy Kreme baseball shirt, reading. the same type of shirt I asked if she wanted to get when I got one because she was sweating the one I got, saying it looked nice to sleep in.

“Oh no,” she said, as if it were not her taste. “I don’t want one.”

— cut to tonight —

layin up.
in a shirt I didn’t even get to wear yet.