i took my bald head to the club tonight. on the way back to the table my wife didn’t recognize the bald brother who was me. Saturday must have been Big Bootie night or something. Damn. Gravity devying booties so big I had to call J over to my side of the booth and say “Look at THAT!” and she also said “Damn.” Booties so big that other sistas would fall silent out of respect as the booty went by.

It’s been a while since I’ve been out. What’s up with the “accessoriezed” brothas. There was a Ghetto Batman with a Cell Phone, 2 Way Pager on his utility belt and Adamantium*/Platinum/White Gold/Silver Jesus Piece. Aren’t phones and 2 ways mutually exclusive? If I have a phone damned if I am going to type you a message. and if I needed to, phones can do that too can’t they? I guess it’s a badge of disposable income. His Ghetto Arch Enemy Ghetto-Mr. Freeze was up in the spot with his hooded faux mink coat. looking foolishly warm. the women talk about you. it wasn’t that cold, neither outside nor in the club.

I ended up enjoying it more than I expected. If you put a Mike in the men’s room it would beat Taxicab Confessions hands down.


this shaved head thing is high maintenance…my stuff is stubbly like 5 hours later. dammit.

* an indestructable alloy originated in Marvel Comics, used to create Wolverine’s skeleton and claws