I told the barber to do the damn thing.
My dome is 2 days fuzzy after a clean shave. There’s the Mach 3 camp and the Xtreme 3 or something camp. I think I’m going w/ the Panasonic wet/dry rechargable…blades are expensive! dang!
I’m not used to the stranger in the mirror. I was talking to Faith and she was looking past me for the source of her master’s voice.
i remember when i first got my haircut. not bald, mind you, but to go from shoulder length to barely stretchin’ the full length of my fingernail was eventful! i ain’t got nary a regret, though. i’ve long admired the power that seems to eminate from a sistah striding beneath her own nappy locks. and a bald-headed brutha? no disrespect to your queen, but oolala….