i talked to my people today…
my grandmother’s husband’s mother was staying the night with them and she got on the phone and was telling me about Jesus’ love as she always does, and I was just holding on to her every word, because when i was peein on her plastic covered furniture when she was babysittin me she was still a senior citizen back then. I was trying to catch morsels of infite wisdom, and part of me was congizant that the odds were high that we wouldn’t have too many more conversations. and then I had a long talk with my grandmother, about cholesterol, digital cable and gps satellites among other things. and then Joe got on the phone and we made the same usual chit chat how’s the weather smalltalk but it was so meaningful. and i know this is might sound corny but I could feel the love when I got off the phone. It was as heavy and warm as an old school blanket.