i stayed up late last nite and need to get the red out…
i’m also wearing a tie today. No real special reason, although i am meeting with the Black Chamber of Commerce PR committee tonight, and I’ve only been doing my laundry 1 load at a time here lately…and that’s starting to catch up to me. I haven’t heard any “got an interview?” wisecracks yet. But if I do, I’ll be sure to say “Yes, and do you blame me?”

we haven’t done any decorating to indicate we’re in the last part of December. except for the cards we’ve received.

I’m trying to sell the Handspring Visor Edge I got for J here @ work, due to lack of participation.
it’s hardly been touched, all wires and cables and in a box. w/ the UPC code part of the box taped back on (post-rebate)