I had this experience one time where someone I really cared about flipped on me over something really trivial. She came to visit me from out of state and earlier that day we were talking about getting some ice cream, but time flew and it was getting to be late, so we got loaded up and I started driving to the airport. She got on some “I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO GET SOME ICE CREAM!” stuff. with Linda Blair drama. like she was really upset about that.

How many licks does it take to get to the dark rotten center of a tootsie pop, Mister Owl? That was a warning sign that I heeded. There were other signals beforehand that I didn’t register, ignored or put up with based on my feelings for this person.

The rest of the ride was spent in silence save for listening to the tires hit seams in the pavement driving down the highway. It was a chilling instance and I felt fortunate to discover that side of her sooner rather than later. I cared about her but I was not the one.

A recent situation has given me such flashbacks…more licks…same chill