last night i dreamt i was at the club with Stacy and someone else, I don’t remember who. the other person pointed at me and said “your teeth”. So i started to do that teeth-tounge-suck cleaning thing when you got food stuck somewhere…then later Stacy said, “go look in the mirror”, so I went to the bathroom and my one of my front teeth was kinda pushed in. so i straighted it out. then it just fell out. and then i looked at other teeth and they were all a little wobbly and another one fell out and another one…I caught them in my hand and looked down at them. 2 looked like Lee Press On nails and one looked like a sharks tooth. a bicuspid, i thought. so i’m trying to smile and i’m looking toothless because they were all falling out and i’m trying to put them back in in what feels like play-dough. then i drop the sharks tooth, which lands next to a urinal. damn. so i’m back in the sink washing my teeth and i am wondering how will i make it through the rest of the night and realizing that i will have to get dentures.

then i realize i need to wake up. and i do, doing a quick dental integrity check with my tongue to make sure it wasn’t real.

then i realized my dream mirrored a scene Hav Plenty which i watched yesterday on video. possible triggered by this health exam i had coming up this morning.