had a good New Years. Went through the Books of Questions with our guests. learnt a lot. the world is overpopulated with worthy competent sistas. ate, drank and merried our way in to 2002. now I’m going to bed. to be continued this evening.

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I spoke to my great aunt this evening, wish her Happy Birthday/New Years. Our conversations are similar. I listen mostly. Longtime family drama gets rehashed and repeated. There is old beef between her and my grandmother like Israelis and Palestinians, the origins of which I’m not sure. Lately in these last few conversations she’s been telling me about my roots on my mother’s side. Stuff I am unfamiliar with and oblivious of. Lives lived and long gone that have contributed to my existence. and then she tells me she has a secret to tell me, about myself. about my name. that she can’t tell me right now. that she will tell me one day. I don’t know if I want to know. I’ve been pretty comfortable in the identy I grew up with, don’t think I need to know any late breaking deathbed revalations. What’s in the past is in the past, and if I’ve gone for this long without this bit of info, I don’t think I need to know it now.