we saw Hulk yesterday and it wasn’t bad. This is the more serious, psychological of Marvel’s comic book movies. They all have a certain similar feel to them, except for Daredevil…

There were some very different transition effects used, some subtle ones, and some “24”-style fill-the-screen-with-multiple-perspectives-of-the-same-scene shots, and they all provided the feel of a looking at a real-life representation of a comic book page.

Nick Nolte had some great theatrics, and some couldn’t help but wonder if the filming coincided with his infamous mugshot.

One the big screen, image of the Hulk is easier to tolerate. But Ang Lee’s close ups were killing me. Bana/Banner’s face looked swole when he gritted his teeth most of the time, taking up the entire screen, I wondered if it was an effect of if it was real…but Jennifer Connelly looked the opposite…she. is. thin.

there was one plot point I wasn’t feeling…but I won’t spoil it for the uninitiated. I would recommend it. Don’t expect an action flick and you’ll be fine.

one more thing: just how do his pants stay on? superstretch dockers?