someone made goo goo eyes at me yesterday at qdoba, with the third-finger ring in full display, or so I thought then my lunchmate L offered unsolicited confirmation. on some level i was like “yes! i still got it”, whatever “it” is.

the goo goo eyes came before and after their drink was spilled on my jacket (me and liquids this week). you see, that was that ole “let me get you out of those wet clothes” game. har de har.

so for a minute i got the big head that someone doesn’t see me as the brown skinned Shrek I see myself as. as if spousal validation doesn’t matter because they’re contractually obligated to say “okay” when you ask how you look in a darkened room in the outfit you picked out for yourself to wear to work. when a stranger gives you the ocular thumbs up, you don’t suck so much today.

I rolled my eyes when J would tell me of the goo goo eyes and the goo goo game she’d get almost weekly at the gym. last night it was her turn to eyeroll.