Friday night after work i went to the movie theater up the street from the office and shelled out post-matinee money for Mystic River. I snuck in my Cookout Cappucino shake up in there. the movie was good, all performances were good. A heavy sad drama. Then I walked out and said “let me see what else is playing” and got a ticket for Big Fish and went right back in.

both movies were played in rooms with less than 50 seats. I was too wore out to stay awake throughout Big Fish. I was awakened to a sputtering noise on my left, and saw that the seam where the sections of runway lights on the floor connected was about to short out. I saw sparks jumping and got really alert really fast, and sat there watching it, like do i really want to warn these people up in here about a potential fire? it flickered for another minute more and the whole strip died out.

that was the beginning of my weekend.