exercises in futility

I tended to the lawn and saw that seedlings were coming up in December and the grass was green. in December. And the people I paid $40 to plug and seed did indeed seed when I thought they ripped me off. it’s amazing what a few consecutive days of moisture can produce. Come spring I am going to try to drop some serious hints to they guy across the street about his dusty, weedy lot. it looks like one-of-these-kids-is-doing-his-own-thing over there. I go to see Monsters Inc. at the 12:45 show…thinking it wouldn’t be crowded and the excitement about it probably died down…I got a couple of 4 year olds behind me, but it wasn’t too bad. I was still tired, from what I don’t know but I dozed off halfway through. it was a cute movie. The artwork/animation on the preceding short was pretty detailed. then i go run some J-on-the-cell provided errands. Costco to Lowes to Big Lots.

J calls me later and tells me the vacuum cleaner stopped working. our 6 month old vacuum cleaner. more calls about Sears not having a record of us buying a vacuum cleaner. we’re screwed. another call about them putting the info into a duplicate record with an old phone number. we’re saved. i come home and the remote to the garage door isn’t working. so I back up and go to Food Lion, to Kmart, to Circuit City, and Home Depot for this obscure battery. Home Depot is the place to go for batteries, I discover. I get back home. no luck with the remote. I go inside wondering why why why.

J says “oh, did you check the circuit breaker? it must be on the same circuit as the vacuum cleaner…”

yeah….all that for nothin’…