about maybe a year the spacesaver microwave went out, but we brought up his stand-in from the basement, so no biggie. then the dryer started acting up. he had this problem every summer for the last 3 years of tripping when it got hot and we’d let it cool off until it started tripping again. but this time it wouldn’t even blow hot air.

this was past the limits of my amateur electrical skills, and we debated between getting new appliances vs calling a repairman vs calling an electrician.

since i didn’t feel like lugging wet clothes every week to the laundrymat i asked j to call a repairman. quote: $50 to come out, and we’ll see after that.

“Oh the dryer’s fine, you need a 40 amp breaker (or something like that)”

J got him to look at the microwave (months ago i got the nerve up to open it up and change the fuse but that didn’t help) and he found some wires that needed to be fixed/replaced/connected

Missed the first bird and hit the second with one stone. $96 later, he was on his way.

I asked J to call the electrician to set up an appt where I’d be there. quote: $80 to come out, $12.80 vehicle fee (what’d you do w/ the $80???) and we’ll see what else we can charge you.

they came out and hooked up their doodad to the breaker-box and he told me to listen to the dryer’s breaker. it sounded like bacon in a wrought iron pan on a sunday morning. they said i didn’t need a 40 amp breaker, just another 30 amp one which they gladly installed. $123.80 later and they were on their way.

all seems to be back to normal. now to tackle this mountain of laundry.