i just saw it…that thing gets tense 5 minutes in and keeps a firm hold of that tension all the way through, with a few humourous moments.

it’s still with me, because a little nagging thought in the back of my mind feels “hey, that could really happen!” and like I said before, running zombies kinda scare the crap out of me…

g_wedding.jpgon the way out the door to see it, mom-inlaw called

“we’re going to the movies”
“what movie?”
“dawn of the dead”
“oh…you’re not going to see the passion?”

they’re kinda similar, in the come-back-from the dead vein…right?

i started writing again. inspired by something i saw at a wedding yesterday. (Congrats to my former coworker G)

i walked over 5 miles this morning. Jay-Z’s “Encore” has beat that brought out a quick George Jefferson pace.

why are north carolina’s best ambassadors never around when MTV’s Da Band and cameras come to town?