Das Effects

back from Middlebury IN and I am so glad. I really hate flying. That was reinforced. Was up late wednesday night tinkering w/ my blog when I knew I had a 6 AM flight the next day. So I was tired. I set 2 alarm clocks and my watch just in case, and ended up waking up 5 minutes before the time they were set to go off. If I didn’t set them I would have overslept. such is the way of the world. I was so tired I was driving to the airport slapping myself to make sure I wasn’t just dreaming about driving to the airport.

Greensboro to Detroit (sorry I missed you Joelle) to South Bend and a rental to Middlebury.

I heard tales about that town from coworkers and what to expect in Middlebury. I only saw one person that looked like me and that was when I got to the McDonalds (which is new). I didn’t know Amish people worked at Mickey D’s. wearing drivethru headseats and nametags with Little House on the Prairie gear on. I met with the person I delivered the camera to and was supposed to train him on how to use it – the whole IPIX process – and realized I forgot the USB cable in my attache case which I didn’t bring. so 25% of the trip was shot.

They put me up in Das Essenhaus. A quaint little amishesque Dutch or German burg. 180 degree change of culture.When I stepped into the restaurant to eat dinner it was as if someone drug the needle against the soundtrack. I clashed w/ the scenery. But I had to eat. I identified w/ D’Shawn and her experiences.

Seriously doubting there was anything else to do (for someone that looked like me) or any internet access nearby, I turned in and was asleep by 8. I noticed they censored the word “Hell” on Fresh Prince 3 times.

On the flight back I noticed the overhead buttons to turn on the lights were labelled in Braille