this morning i went with C to the Expresso place. at the time it seemed like a good idea because i was hungry, but when i got there they didn’t have any traditional breakfast foods. just a bagel or a muffin. and about 10 different types of coffee, none of which i am familiar enough with to have a preference.

I looked at a size that I thought said grande but was really the smallest size because the other sizes increase in price.

today was one of those “can we eat mexican?” days for J and we did. it’s my last choice of eating out places. what would you like to drink? J ordered her usual water and small frozen margarita and i ordered a water and umm…i decided on the fly, a Dos Equis. Bottle or Draft? Draft. Regular or Grande? Grande.

the waiter and his boy laughed. they were intrigued by my mastery of the language, i thought. J noticed it too.

Man they brought that mug out and it looked like a 40 oz with a handle. but bigger. now i see what all the giggles was about. That was a tall drink of sumpn.

It looked like a tall pitcher. J said it looked like a prop they use when they want to make actors look like litte children. I was self concious about that tall old drink, because it seemed to imply “drinking problem”. twice they came by had asked me if i wanted some more Dos Equis, man, that’s Quatro Equis y’all gave me. but i finished it, because i didn’t want to waste money. which i found out later was $3.50.