
My side gig is starting to take off. I have a few client meetings lined up. I still hate dealing with people and haggling over money. I need a manager. Apply below. And I’ve gotten to the point where I wish my Chapter-11-filed-9-to-5 would give me the boot so I can collect unemployment because the time I spend here’s cutting into my other gig. I’ve been self learning about different technologies, but I apply them to my gig. I hate Christmas. One thing I would change about the world, I’d change how Christmas is celebrated. I hate the “this is explicitly what I want”. What’s that? If you’re playing along with the Santa-Claus-marketing tradition, it’s about giving, not getting. I really don’t need anything, thanks. If you want to get me a gift, help someone who needs it and tell them I sent you. (hey wasn’t this the plot of Pay It Forward?)