ass knot what your country can do for you…

last night at a few minutes after 10 I turned off E.R. to tip downstairs to sneak in a few minutes of my just gotten Dead To Rights.

Instead, I tripped down the stairs and almost ended up dead or in the E.R.

On about the 3rd step of 10 or so my stocking feet went straight out from under me and all of my weight came down on the edge of a step on my right cheek. pain like I never experienced, and then slipping down the rest of the steps until I stopped at the landing. I was sure something was broken and I would be maimed for life. what was my deductable again? I happened to be holding a cup of a red sugarless koolaid-like beverage. so my thumps and moans scared the crap out of J and the blood red splattered walls that she saw when she rushed out of the bedroom didn’t help either. it was an “whoosh-THUMP-thum-thum-thum-thump. Ow. Oh God. OHMIGOD!!!” moment, but it’s funny now. So now I have like a knot on my ass. it’s not easy trying to sleep w/ an icepack on it. Could have been worse i guess. I see why old people die from this sort of thing. In retrospect I should not have tried to save the koolaid.