a prayer for a safe drive to the airport and flight send us down I-40 to I-77.

I had another engagement in Charlotte that I scheduled for that afternoon, well after the 10:25 flight. we get to Check In. In the line ahead of me I see someone familiar who i am pretty sure plays ball. for who i don’t know.

“there have been problems with volcanic ash in the carribean. we’re not sure if your flight will be allowed to go,” says the Ticket Agent. I’m glad I didn’t drop them off at the curb. The thought never crossed my mind.

“Can I go to the gate with them? I drove them down.” Post-911 i know this is unheard of. He asks to see my ID and I get a gate pass slip that looks like a
not so foolproof system.

after another ID check, and a stocking feet walk through the metal detector we get to the gate. after 30 minutes they canceled the flight. I’m so glad I didn’t even think about dropping them off at the curb. 4 people think mistake my professional appearance for Airport employment.

Monsterrat, my Grandad’s hometown had a piece of the volcano’s dome fall into the mountain after some rain. Volcanic ash is floating over much of the islands to the south, making flight in that area dangerous. How come we didn’t hear about this on the news? I find out later that St. Thomas is now covered in a layer of ash.

I call and arrange another flight, we wait for and retrieve their bags from the carousel. and prepare to do this again on Thursday.