ah-oneTWO ah-oneTWO

do i repeat myself? sometimes I have these thoughts I want to blog and would hate to rehash…stop me if you heard this before…or just scroll up…I just got off the phone with my cousin M on my father’s side. she lived 2 houses down from me back home and we were neighbors for a while before I found out we were cousins…and I don’t even know my father…is that irony or coincidence? i forget. We caught up on a lot but picked up where we left off…I think at least 2 years of verbal communications had lapsed. Should I look my father up? track him down? ask him “how you like me now?” nah.

we had to write about someone in our writing class tonight…just pick someone and look them up and down, imagine what they thought and describe as much as you could about them, even in 5 senses. I know that the lady to my left was burning a hole in the side of my head before i flipped over to the assignment…so I was the subject of her study. what did she think of me? is it different than if I were just a passerby on the street? I wanted to snatch her paper…did I taste like chocolate?

speaking of sexual chocolate, I have an admirer at work. in your face, unsubtle, it’s a thin line sort admiration that you can only nod, grin and endure during and exhale when they’re gone because you’re supposed to be civil…actually I have 2 or 3 of those come to think of it…some have peaked, cooled and soured.

funny though how people size you up and their initial expectations clash with the reality they’re perceiving…
“Nice house.” <how can you afford this?>
“What does it say on that ring?” <you went to college?>
“What do you do for a living?” <are you dealing drugs?>
“What does your wife do?” <no, but seriously, you’re dealing drugs, aren’t you?>