don’t you hate having to tell someone something that they should know is common sense?

every now and then i find a whiffle ball in the long grass up next to the house.
and every know and then i will hear mystery noises that i used to write off to the cats. but now, it’s me and the mystery noises. the occasional thud.

the family next door gets together to help the little boy with his batting skills.

but damn. right next to the house?

I let it slide, because, i couldn’t find a workaround for the big black neighbor coming off as an @$$hole approach. but today after 1 thud too many in the quiet house, had to say something.

I shouldn’t have to hear that and i shouldn’t have to explain why that’s wrong.

why do normal people get up in the weirdest of situations where they have to deal with being imposed upon, and then have to worry about looking crazy.