for reasons i may get into in another post I have determined that I should move my services to Verizon. Despite Cingular coming out any day now w/ the hw6915 mackdaddy wifi/bluetooth/gps thingamajig. And i’ve been reading reviews for all things PDA on CNET, Engadget and Amazon for months. So I walk into Verizon on Battleground. Store’s empty except for a guy helping a customor. Brotherman in the back jumps up and offers me assistance. “How much for the Motorola Q?,” I ask.

“349.” he says. full stop.

Dude. As they say in the south, ‘you a lie.’ That thing doesn’t even list for that much on the website.

“With the two year contract,” I ask. Waiting to see if he left out some pricing incentive. Waiting to see if this was the beginning of some intricate sales dance.

“Yes,” was his brief and final answer given with an incredibly straight face, like they had to hoard them up in the back with canned goods and other vital rations. It must take a lot of skimmed commisions to keep him in them fancy duds.

“Oh Kay.” Peace. I was out. Man, don’t you know who I am? Gadgets are by Coach bags and Manolo Blaniks(im not spellchecking neither), kid!

I go to the other Verizon place on Wendover, which I forgot about when I was heading to Circuit City. The nice salesman Gary offered my the same discount as the “Online Only” special from the website. (damn Brothaman from Battleground aren’t we supposed to sticktugethuh?????) I liked the Q’s size but I wondered about the Treo 700W. I read up on it a bit. but neither wowed me. (it’s all about the wow factor). I asked him what operating system the W was on and HE SAID WINDOWS XP. dude was about to lose the sale right there. I was like don’t you mean Smartphone 2003 OS or Windows Mobile 5? He had to scan the card above the product which I saw held my answer. He gave it his best shot. but I still wasn’t really hyped about either. I was leaning toward the Treo but…heck i wasn’t 100% sure if I wasn’t under contract or what. Gary was pulling out the stops. “You can try it for a couple of weeks, i just need to take some information it won’t take a while”, and “here’s my card, please set up a time with me when you’d like to come back.”

I thanked him and left emptyhanded, much to the disappointment in his pleading eyes.

funny thing is, come to find out, i’m still under contract with Cingular..