ok so i had this dream that i was late for work. really late, and my commute was much longer than my real live 10 minute trip. And in said dream, logic dictated that I didn’t have time to shower at home but could stop somewhere else close to work to do it.

So there’s this homeless shelter across the street from my job (in the dream only). And i decided to bathe there. It was still dusk. They didn’t have showers so I’d like have to take some type of cowboy type bath or something. While i’m in like in the washing process one of the residents tries to strike up a conversation with me. I don’t entertain him much but he has managed to take enough of my time that the daytime shelter workers are starting to trickle in. By the time I get dressed, a case worker or something is handing me documents to fill out and a type of intelligence test in the form of a squiggly doodle. And me being too embarrased to tell her the real reason I am there, starts to complete paperwork, and the act of keeping of the facade grows until I have to tell her boss the real reason i was there.

his immediate reaction: PR nightmare. he laughed, and he laughed…but it one of those laughs he was a hair away from losing it.

this dream has been sponsored in part by the 2 free “we outta lids and we aint got no spoons” Jr. Frostys from Wendys I had Saturday night