I had this weird dream the other day, where the sidewalks were occasionally interrupted by channels of deep murky water, you could step over them but you could also fall in. so coming to this minor impasse I tried to step over and my feeble attempt caused me to fall into the water, and I was about to drown before some people pulled me out.

I’m on my back staring at the sky, still alive but feeling very weak, knowing I’m abuot to die in cinematic fashion. but my major concern was getting into a good death pose. like when you’re breakdancing and end in that cool/ridiculous freeze pose? like that. It seemed to make perfect sense to make that my final statement to the world. so I turn my head to the side and throw up the Alpha sign, position my feet in a weird horizontal plane jailhouse stance. and then i stick the smile. peace out.

as soon as I voluntarily gave up the ghost, I felt an ejection like when you push one of those spring loaded release doors, like on your cassette or cd player. I was rising upward at a furious rate of speed, chest forward, neck and arms back, palms upward , everything was bluish but lighter blue i the direction I was going and there were little white floaty specks everywhere. I was just about to get somewhere, when i woke up and had to get ready for work.