The inlaws came down over the weekend and brought newly acquired Jake. we think he is a Lhasa Apso / Yorkie mix. He’s smaller and more reserved than Enzo, but if provoked he will stand his ground !nd back YOU up. He was constantly terrorized by a hump crazy Enzo. It was embarrassing.

After a while, he took Enzo’s chew treat and challenged him to get it back. We are getting Enzo fixed this week.

Enzo and Jake from Stephen Charles on Vimeo.

Update: 2/21/10
Enzo is fixed. On his second encounter with Jake, it went better but Jake was still shellshocked, charging at him whenever Enzo got near/behind him. By the second day the seemed to become pretty good playmates. Enzo is a lot calmer now, as a result of being fixed.