we didn't watch them together like this, I'm immature like that

I got the wife to watch Sideways with me all the way through. It started off slowly but has a satisfying finish. there is a scene near the end where protagonist played by Paul Giamatti is responding to some news that it’s worth the price of the movie. I tear up anticipating it and knowing that the wife is going to cry makes it a done deal. She enjoyed it and was rooting for his character.

That anticipation has backfired on me in the past, like say, when we got married and I was expecting the full waterworks and she left me hanging on the cry duet.

As an aside, it’s there a study out that shows that over time you inherit your spouse’s traits? Growing up I had early memories of being scratched by a cat and others of being chased by and bitten by dogs. I reeked of fear whenever I was near animals and they gladly exploited that fact.
As I got older I tolerated them but was still visibly uncomfortable around them.

Then, my first marriage was to a Type A personality, cat-loving/owning Peta member.  My current spouse is more off a free spirit who has been known to cry on a movie trailer and has owned dogs most of her growing years.

Now I’m a cat/dog person and could live in a house with both under the same roof.

I’ve got the lint of spousal behaviors woven into my psychic being now and I hate being a prisoner to some of the qualities I know I didn’t always possess.

Does this make me an empath?