lettin’ the cat out of the bag

twas 4 days before Christmas and all thru the house, not a single piece of ornamentation was put up, except for the display or cards received. Not nay tree, bulb, jingle bell, wreath, stocking, tinsel or candy cane. zip zilch nada. against my better judgment i went out to the newly remodeled Hanes mall and walked around, window shopping. I swear someone is going to slip and break something (intentionally or otherwise) on the new shiny floor tile they put down. The have a lot of new little Kiosks, including a Mr. Smoothie, but do they meet my nutritional standards? it appears not.

I realizied how much I have matured over the years going into Spencers. at one point in time (mid eighties to early nineties) Spencers used to be my spot. That’s where I got my Books of Questions, but that’s a story for another time. But I still retain some of my youthful spirit, getting a Fantastic Four graphic novel and a recent copy of Superman. and i sat there, (killing time for an undivulged reason) reading FF in one of the malls new comfy homestyle chairs, and the hustle and bustle melted away around me. I want to get one of those miature remote control hotwheels sized cars, just to mess with the cats.

i came home, got on the bike while watching Much Music and MTV2 hip hop blocks. I hadn’t watched a video in a while. Booties still shakin’. Good to see the cast of The Wire is still getting work.

I returned to my WaldenBooks loot upstairs in the bedroom, dumping the contents of the bag onto the bed. Faith, being a slave to curiousity, got into the bag. twisting and turning, she puts her head through one of the little holes designed to be a handle, and can’t reverse the process. she panics. she runs around the room at top speed with this plastic bag on her back like, GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME! Running laps under the dresser, the armoire, the bed, hitting her head on assorted objects that blocked her path, trying to escape her recyclable tormentor. all i hear is minature galloping at full speed, the rustle of plastic and the frequent thumps of obstacles along the way – while catching the occasional blur of a cat with a plastic bag cape. she eventally ran into the closet and j was able to finally it off her. I received a cold stare with daggers and was told the whole thing was preventable and my fault. i chuckled inside.