Kitten update – I’ve never been around a cat this young. it’s 4 weeks old and small enough to fit in my hand. it’s just ounces light. A client of J’s got her, thought she lost her and got another one, just to find out it was under the fridge. I didn’t understand how that could happen until i saw her. J has been wearing me down about this getting another cat, and I have buckled. Her Moews sound like “EEE”s. Precious has been keeping her distance, not knowing what to make of her, and giving us these puppy dog/kitty cat stares like “How could you do this to me?” and sulking around like she is about to be replaced.

Her name is Faith, I think we might rename her…I’ve been calling her Stinky. whew! Pictures and cat pimping to come, of course.